North Central High School
Indianapolis, Indiana

NCHS Class of 1965 Online Scrapbook

NCHS ’65 Online Scrapbook

Class of 1965 Pop Quiz: How well do you remember our senior year?

It has been 50 years since the beginning of our senior year at North Central. Memories can fade in that much time. Take this quiz to see how much you remember about the world back then.

Click on a question to reveal the answer.

If you can correctly answer five questions, your memory is very good. A score of ten or more is outstanding.


Who were the President and Vice-President of the United States at the beginning of our senior year?
Lyndon Johnson, no one

President Johnson assumed the office in November, 1963, after the assassination of President John Kennedy, thus leaving the office of Vice-President empty. Subsequently, the 25th amendment to the US Constitution created a provision for a new vice-president to be appointed in such circumstances. That provision has been invoked twice, first when Gerald Ford became Vice-President after Spiro Agnew resigned, and second when Nelson Rockefeller became Vice-President after Gerald Ford became President when Richard Nixon resigned.

Who were the President and Vice-President of the United States at the end of our senior year?
Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey
Who was the Governor of Indiana at the start of our senior year? At the end of our senior year?
Matthew Welsh; Roger Branigin

Did you also know that Mitch Daniels, North Central High School Class of 1967, was Governor of Indiana from 2005 to 2013?

Who were the United States senators from Indiana during our senior year?
Vance Hartke; Birch Bayh


Where were the Summer Olympics held during our senior year?
Tokyo, Japan; October 10-24, 1964
Who won the Superbowl during our senior year?
There was no Superbowl during our senior year. The first Superbowl was in January, 1966.
Who won the World Series during our senior year?
The St. Louis Cardinals defeated the New York Yankees in seven games.
Who won the Indianapolis 500 during our senior year?
Jim Clark of Scotland, at an average speed of 150.686 mph


What 1964 movie received the Academy Award for Best Picture in ceremonies in the spring of 1965? What 1965 movie would win the Academy Award the following spring?
My Fair Lady; The Sound of Music
What was the top-rated television show during our senior year?
What was the best-selling record album for 1965? What were the best-selling singles?
Mary Poppins Soundtrack; “Satisfaction” (Rolling Stones) and “I Want to Hold Your Hand” (Beatles)

North Central High School

What was the NCHS mascot (and name of the sports teams)?
What were the NCHS school colors?
Red, white, and black
What were the names of the three junior high schools whose students then came to NCHS?
Eastwood, Westlane, Northview
Who was the principal of NCHS during our senior year?
Milo Eiche
Who was our class valedictorian?
Charles Valentine
Who was the president of the NCHS Student Council at the beginning of our senior year? At the end of our senior year?
David Long; Leon Fink
What were the names of the NCHS yearbook and the school newspaper? What did a subscription to the newspaper cost?
“Northerner”, “Northern Lights”; 65 cents per semester
Where was our commencement ceremony held?
Indiana State Fairgrounds Coliseum
What were the location and theme of our senior class graduation dance?
Egyptian Room of the Murat Shrine Temple; “A Night on the Nile”

Extra Credit

What was the starting annual salary of an NCHS teacher during our senior year?
Approximately $5000
What was the connection between the movie “Hoosiers” and the NCHS basketball team?
The character portrayed by Gene Hackman in the movie was based on Marvin Wood, the coach of the Milan, Indiana, high school basketball team in their 1954 championship year. Mr. Wood was the basketball coach at NCHS during our senior year.
During our senior year, in the North Central High School cafeteria, we used cafeteria trays that had this NCHS crest or logo on them.

What United States government agency had identical trays, complete with the NCHS logo, in its cafeteria in the late 1960s?
The National Security Agency (NSA), which has been in the news quite a bit in the last couple of years.

Why were they using our trays? If you find the answer, please let us know!
Who created this website?

That’s a good question, and a challenge for all you Internet detectives out there. If you discover the answer, send it to the Editor (see the contact information at the upper right).

As correct answers come in, we’ll update this answer with the names of the successful sleuths.

This page was last updated on November 26, 2014.